Map Digi

Stats for the past days.

Recent uses can take an hour or so to appear here.

Contributions in the past 3 days

Place views in the past 3 days

Pop = hover to show petals; open = click to fill screen
        customEvents | where name == 'popPetals' and timestamp > ago({days}d) {projectFilter}
        | summarize pops=count(), popUsers=dcount(user_Id)  by placePop=tostring(
        | join kind=fullouter (
             customEvents | where name == 'presentSlidesOrEdit' and timestamp > ago({days}d) {projectFilter}
             | summarize opens=count(), openUsers=dcount(user_Id)  by placePresent=tostring(
         ) on $left.placePop==$right.placePresent
         | project place = iff(placePop != '', placePop , placePresent ), pops, popUsers , opens, openUsers 
         | sort by opens, pops

Viewers in the past 3 days

        | where timestamp > ago({days}d) {projectFilter}
        | summarize Distinct_Viewers = dcountif(user_Id, name=="popPetals") 
            | where timestamp > ago({days}d) {projectFilter}
            | summarize pops=countif(name=="popPetals"), opens=countif(name=="presentSlidesOrEdit"), user=any(user_AuthenticatedId), browser=any(client_Browser) by user_Id            
            | sort by pops, opens